You can visit the twelve “emotional pathways” based on important issues such as Migration, Inter-religious Dialogue, Music, Stories of Peace and Legality, all found in more than 5,000 high-definition videos (4k) and in objects, artefacts and stories that are one of a kind in the world that have contributed to the definition of the Museum as the “sensory heritage of humanity” and to give it the title of “Museum of Emotions”.
These are the twenty-one “emotional pathways”:
The Mediterranean of emotions
The Mediterranean of light
The Mediterranean on creativity
The Mediterranean of trades
Campania of emotions
The song that comes from the sea
Voices of migrants
One sea, three faiths
Stories of peace
Countries and Institutions
Testimonials and visits
Molinari, the colour sculptor
Pino Daniele Alive
Don Diana: For the love of his people (Part I) - (Part II)
Don Bosco: The power of love (Full Movie)
The Highways of the Sea
Pertini and Caponnetto
Antonio de Curtis Prince Poet
The food of emotions
The young hunters of the positive
The long journey of the Totem of Peace